Sometimes you just wants carbs, carbs, and more carbs for lunch. Oh and maybe some bacon. And cheese. And you know what? Go for it. There’s nothing wrong with that. Maybe not every day for the rest of your life (I wish) but for a special treat for a few days worth of lunches? Golden.
I love to eat pizza but haven’t been able to find any out here in LA that compares to the amazing pizza in NJ/NY. That leads me to homemade pizza, which I love, but is difficult to portion control for lunch. I’ll want to eat as much as I can otherwise leftover pizza just never reheats quite as well. That’s when the idea for pita pizzas hit me. Perfect portion control, a little healthier, and easy to serve.
I also love baked potatoes, but my biggest issue is that they take almost an hour in the oven to prepare. I don’t know about you, but once I feel hungry, all I want is food soon – not in an hour. I know you can microwave them in about 6-8 minutes or so, but that just seems wrong. So, when brainstorming pita pizza ideas, I thought that a loaded “baked” potato pizza would be awesome. I would get to put all my favorite toppings on and it would be great. And it was.
The recipe I put together makes one pita pizza because there’s just one of me eating lunch. Obviously if there are more of you, it’s easy enough to double, triple, quadruple, and so on. It’s also easy to customize. If you want to add broccoli, go for it. If there are any other toppings you like on your baked potatoes, feel free to throw those on too. This pita pizza is your oyster.
Well, your pizza. But you know what I mean.
Loaded “Baked” Potato Pita Pizza
makes 1 pita pizza
3 small yellow potatoes
1 whole wheat pita
2 tablespoons sour cream
2/3 cup freshly shredded cheddar cheese
1 slice bacon, cooked
1 green onion, greens sliced
Put potatoes in a small pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook until a fork can pierce through the potato without resistance. Drain water and set aside.
Set oven to broil. Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil. To assemble the pita pizza, first spread sour cream over pita. Slice boiled potatoes and arrange on top of the sour cream. Then crumble half of the bacon over the potatoes followed by all of the cheese. Top it off with the rest of the bacon. Place under broiler until cheese has melted. Garnish with sliced green onions and enjoy.
[source: a Confectionary Tales original]
I love the taste of cheddar
Certainly this pizza will eat very well. I am Alpha flight services UAE chef and I will introduce this to my aeroplace flight
It looks good and I’m going to try it for sure!!!!