1. Here was the sun setting in Sarasota. Ohmygod so beautiful.
2. Maybe I should retitle these thursday things posts, because all the pictures seem to be about sunsets. But is that really a ‘bad’ thing to be talking about? Nope. So, sunsets are here to stay.
3. I know this is like 5 years old but this social experiment is adorable. Little smiling cardboard box robots rolling through NYC? I want to see them.
4. This article feeds right into my Game of Thrones marathon. I love seeing how the actors interact and the points about other things they’ve been in? Mind. Blown. I knew I recognized Tonks..
5. Oh, and in Sarasota, we went on a special drive to get a Boston Cream Donut and an Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts because they don’t exist here in California. It was just as delicious as I remember it.
6. As a former NJ driver now driving in LA: So true. #2 and 3, always so confusing. And #5 – it’s happened to me and I almost cried for joy. Oh, and #25 like crazy. In my neighborhood, we mostly have to park on the street (only 2 parking spots under the building of our apartment so we rotate). And the people around here are terrible at parking.
7. Because I’m me, anything with cute animals is immediately bookmarked.
8. I just finished the last few episodes of Smash. I know why it wasn’t picked up for another season, but it makes me sad. I loved that show.
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